Purple on the Prairie by Designer Karen Hahn
Purple on the Prairie by Designer Karen Hahn of Horse and Buggy Country
Embellishing with Green and Purple Buttons. Irregular Nile green with shanked Purple button sewn on top.
I replaced the French Knots with beads.
Liz and I are getting ready for the Metro Quilt Expo in Fargo ND. It is presented by Quilters' Guild of North Dakota on April 28 - 29 starting at 9:00A. For more information, go to www.ndquilts.com. We are very happy to be able to add Karen Hahn's (Horse and Buggy Country) line of fabulous patterns to our inventory. We will have our interpretation of this pattern available as a kit. I can't help but add the embellishments including two fabulous buttons. If the wool artist likes it a bit more simple, they can save the bling for another project.