Mom's Pfaff 332 - Priceless


Kae’s mention in her blog a few weeks ago that we both have a bit of experience with sewing brought to mind what first interested me in sewing.  Living in a rural area we had many visits by door-to-door salesmen, or as my dad called them, peddlers.  Quite a few years back I was riding my bike down the steep hill to our house and almost lost my balance when I saw a car in our yard with Pfaff  stenciled on the back window.   I raced into the house and saw a man at our kitchen table showing my mom how the machine worked.  Just a few simple knob adjustments and the wonderful machine sewed my very long name “Elizabeth” in multiple colors and curlicues on a dish towel.  I was hooked and so happy when my dad came home and bought the machine for my mom.  Over the years I sewed many miles on that machine to complete great and not-so-great projects.  That was 52 years ago and the priceless Pfaff 332 is still going strong in my sister’s sewing room.