Chickens and Sunflower by All through the Night

Chickens and Sunflower by All through the Night
This is our version of Sunflower and Chickens wool applique kit. The design is delightful and fun to do with mostly large pieces. Liz and I only use 100% wool in our kits. We have been collecting wool for a long time and try to bring different textures and colors to the design. Because we use repurposed wool, each kit creation is a bit different than the last, making your wool applique, in this case, one of six with these fabrics. Most of the wool for the chickens came from men's and women's coats although I did include a fabulous grey for one of the wings with metallic thread, one of my favorite pieces of wool. It had once been a blazer. The sunflower was also a wool coat. The kit includes new black wool for the background and a black wool for the backing. Button eyes finish the kit for your pleasure. Consider adding buttons to the eggs and the wings. (Buttons not included in the kit) See the picture of an older version of the kit with china buttons added.