What is in My Button Box- An Introduction

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Last week, Liz talked about adventures in cleaning buttons.  It is an important part of taking care of all of your buttons.  As we go through the different genres of buttons, Liz will give more detail on how to clean each kind of button.

I like to sort into broad categories, then down into more specific.  The tray above shows one of my first sorts on the button box.   Most of the buttons in this tray are plastics.  Starting at the 12:00 o'clock position, there are newer, but nicer plastics; at 2:00 what I like to call June Cleaver buttons-plastic shirt dress buttons from about 1920 to 1960; at 4:00 plastic buttons with rhinestones: at 7:00 realistics, work buttons and boy scout buttons; at 9:00 modern plastics such as Bakelite and tight tops and last, at 11:00 a random group of plastics that I kept separate from the modern plastics.

We are going to discuss the following genres of buttons, starting next week. 

Metal; Glass and China; Mother of Pearl; Natural Materials, Early Plastics 1870 - 1960; Other buttons not mentioned elsewhere; Modern Plastics 1960 to Present

For each genre of buttons, we will do an overview and show you what we found in our Button Box.  We will then show you other examples of each type of the button so you get a full picture of that kind of button.  Liz will give provide you information on how to clean each kind of button.

I can't wait to get started.